• Our tutors use in-depth, data-driven analysis to provide students with subject-specific help in all subtests of the ACT® and SAT®.

  • We strongly encourage students not to take the ACT® or SAT® blind for the first time. Contact us to learn more about our in-depth ACT® and SAT® Analyses to help gauge strengths and weaknesses.

  • In our one-on-one sessions, our tutors will remediate for content, help with timing issues, and provide our proven Mally A.C.T. strategies for the ACT® and SAT®.

  • We have over a decade of experience tutoring online and have made the process efficient, streamlined, and convenient.

  • Since our sessions are individualized, we are able to use to data to help hone in on trouble points and develop a plan of action that's tailor-made to address individual needs.

  • Our consultants can also provide recommendations for students who have a 504 Plan, an IEP, or students who may be candidates for testing accommodations.

If you’re having a hard time determining whether you should take the ACT® or the SAT®, know that there are pros and cons to both, and here’s why it’s solely dependent on the student.

To learn more about our ACT® and SAT® tutoring philosophies, contact us today and find out why Mally A.C.T. is right for you.