Update: 5/14/2020

Dear students and parents –

The ACT® recently sent out a press release regarding the June 13 testing date. You can read the release in full, but for your convenience, here are the key highlights:

  • The ACT® is going to wait until May 26 to make any announcements regarding the status of the June 13 test.

  • Each individual test center will determine whether or not they proctor the June 13 test.

  • If your test center cancels the June 13 test, you will receive a notification from both the proctoring site and the ACT®.

  • If you prefer to reschedule to the July 18 test date, you can do so without a fee by logging in to your ACT Student account.

In terms of tutoring, we’re operating under the assumption that the June 13 test date is going to happen, unless we hear otherwise.

For those of you who have appointments scheduled, we encourage you to keep your appointments to continue preparing.

If you cancelled appointments leading up to the June 13 test day, please call us to make appointments again in case the test still happens.

Additionally, slots for the July 18 test are filling up quickly, so if you registered for the July test and would like to begin prepping for it, please give us a call before we fill up!

As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns – please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always happy to help! 

Update: 4/15/2020

Dear Parents and Students –

We just received official word from the College Board that the June 6 SAT has been cancelled.

For more information from the College Board, including information about the ad hoc September test that they will be offering students as well as early access to register for the August, September, or October test, please visit their site.

If you’d like to cancel the remainder of your appointments in preparation for the June 6 SAT test date, please respond to this email and let us know. Every student has a different tutoring program developed with us, so if you’d like to rearrange your schedule or cancel your appointments, please reply to this email or give us a call at 248-788-8867.

Please note: if we don’t receive a call or email cancelling your appointments, they will remain on the schedule.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

Update: 4/2/2020

Dear Parents and Students –

As you may know, Governor Whitmer has shut down face-to-face instruction at schools for the remainder of the school year.

First and foremost, our hearts go out to the seniors who will miss out on end-of-year events like prom and commencement. We know how disappointed you and your families are. However, we’re so incredibly proud of what you all have accomplished during your academic careers, and we know that, while this is a difficult time, it’s only the beginning of a bright future for you!

With the suspension of in-person learning in the State of Michigan, all sessions at Mally A.C.T. will remain online only until further notice.

For students who are preparing for AP tests in the spring or for students who want to stay ahead of the curve and not fall behind in their coursework, Mally A.C.T. has always tutored for all high school and college level Science and Math classes. We are well-equipped to get you back up to speed for your AP tests or get you ready to roll for fall classes like you never missed a beat. 

While online instruction might be new to some students, it’s nothing new for Mally A.C.T. We’ve been tutoring online for years for our out-of-state students and our students with long commute times. Our online session process has evolved to be incredibly efficient over the past two weeks, and the feedback we’ve received from parents, students, and the tutors has been overwhelmingly positive.

If you’d like to set up a demo to see how our online sessions work, visit www.mallyact.com/consultation, select Online Session Demo, and pick a time that works for you to have one of our owners walk you through it.

We are currently operating under the assumption that the June 6 SAT, June 13 ACT, July 18 ACT, August 24 SAT, and September 12 ACT will still go on as planned, so if you’re planning on taking any of those tests, please call us so we can put together a schedule of appointments to help you reach your goal.

As always, if you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us or give us a call – we’re always happy to help!

Sent by The Mally Family 

Update: 3/22/2020

Dear Parents and Students - 

First and foremost, thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this truly crazy time we’re experiencing. Hopefully, everyone out there is doing their part to slow down the spread of the coronavirus and hopefully we’ll regain a sense of normalcy soon.

In an effort to make our online tutoring as seamless as possible, we’ve revamped the process for students submitting their tests before their session.

12-24 hours before a student’s session begins, we’re asking that you visit the same link (www.mallyact.com/testsubmission) to submit the answers to your practice tests instead of taking pictures of each individual page and uploading the PDF. It might be helpful for students to fill out bubblesheets for their practice tests, and you can find them at the top of all of our practice test landing pages.

This will help make sure that we can hit the ground running when the session begins and we can maximize the amount of tutoring time in session (while not spending time grading tests).

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always happy to help navigate these crazy times as best as we can.

Sent by The Mally Family

Update: 3/13/2020

We just received confirmation from the ACT that the April 4th ACT has been cancelled. The next ACT test date is now June 13, 2020. Please reference the ACT’s website for information about rescheduling, refunding and re-registering for the test.

For those of you who have appointments scheduled in preparation for the April 4th ACT, we recommend keeping your appointments scheduled. Since students have free time on their hands now, it’s a good idea to utilize this time to keep students’ minds sharp during this down period and continue to prep for the next test.

If you do decide, however, to cancel your remaining appointments in preparation for the April 4th ACT, the most efficient way to do so would be to email us at info@mallyact.com with your student’s name. Once we cancel your appointments, we’ll email you to confirm the cancellations and remind you to check the Student Hub to verify.

Please note that if you decide to cancel your appointments, it may be difficult to reschedule or book more appointments in preparation for the June 13th ACT test date.

As always, this situation is fluid and always changing, so if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you so much for your cooperation and understanding during these truly unprecedented times, and please stay safe out there

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 248-788-8867 or email us at info@mallyact.com 


The Mally Family

Dear Parents and Students –

As you're aware, the State of Michigan has closed schools for an extended period of time to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

As a result, Mally A.C.T. has made the decision to switch all sessions occurring from Monday, March 16, 2020 through Sunday, April 5, 2020 to online sessions only.

If you have sessions this weekend, please plan on attending them in-person as usual, but if you’d like to switch them to online sessions, let us know and we’re happy to accommodate.

While online sessions might be new to some of you, they aren't new to Mally A.C.T. We’ve been conducting online sessions for years with out-of-state students and students with long commutes. We can assure you that you’ll get the same one-on-one tutoring as you would in our office, just from the comfort of your home.

Here’s how the process will work: 

  • You’ll receive email and text message reminders 24 hours before your sessions, so be on the lookout.

    • In that reminder email, there will be a link to submit your test(s) at www.mallyact.com/testsubmission. To make the online session as smooth as possible, please try to have your test(s) submitted by the morning of your session.

    • In that email, you'll also find links to access your study guide(s) for that session. Please print them and have them on hand for your first sessions.

  • Before your session begins, please download the free Zoom software so you can be ready when the session begins.

  • When the tutor is ready to begin your scheduled online session (give them a couple minutes!), you will receive an email invitation with a link to click to join the session through our Zoom educational platform.

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re going to make it through these crazy times together!


The Mally Family