Battle Test Anxiety with This Simple Breathing Technique


More and more students come through our doors battling a massive epidemic that’s sweeping high schools all across the nation.

Test anxiety is a serious issue, and it’s time people start acknowledging it.

Let’s face it – students are under enough pressure these days with schoolwork, extracurricular activities, peer pressure, social media. It’s a dangerous ingredient list creating a recipe for disaster.

Combine those external factors with the internal factor of the innate competitiveness that students have with their peers, and it’s no surprise that students suffer from panic attacks before or during standardized tests.

Needless to say, having a panic attack to kick off a test isn’t going to lead to the best score a student could possibly get, and we at Mally A.C.T. are bound and determined to help students combat test anxiety the best we can.

And it starts with one simple exercise – breathing.

I know, I know. It seems simple enough, right?

But it seems like every day a new study comes out that shows the power and benefits of meditation and proper breathing techniques, and it makes complete sense to incorporate them before taking a standardized test.

I came across this gif that easily shows a calming, relaxing breathing technique, and it’s so easy for students to implement before taking a test.

Give it a shot right now yourself and see how you feel.


At ease?


Thought so, because I just followed the gif and felt that way.

Students should keep this gif in mind before taking the test and give it a solid five or six reps before taking their standardized tests. It’s simple enough – inhale deeply for five seconds, hold it for one second, exhale deeply for five seconds.

Rinse. Wash. Repeat.

The best time for students to start using this technique to calm down is while the proctor is going over the test procedures.

We’re not discrediting or discounting what the proctor has to say, but the fact of the matter is students probably know exactly what to do for the ACT or SAT and more than likely tune this out (probably because they’re panicking!).

Of course, this breathing exercise can be used for non-test day situations as well. It’s applicable for any time you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or need a little break.

Note: This is not an exact science or a cure for test anxiety since every student is different – it’s a technique for students to try out and see if it helps.

Give it a shot, and let us know if it works!