Mally A.C.T.

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Get to Know Our Tutors – Lisa Cross, Math

At Mally A.C.T., we pride ourselves on how wonderful our staff is. That’s why we choose tutors that are not only knowledgeable in their field but are also personable.

Because if our tutors can’t make a one-hour session go by quickly and inject a little fun into learning, then we’re not doing our jobs right.

When students come to Mally A.C.T., they get to know our tutors during their sessions, but not every student and parent get a chance to meet all of our amazing staff.

With that said, starting today you can visit our blog to read regularly published articles that feature our incredible and unique staff of tutors!

Today’s spotlight is on Lisa Cross, one of our magnificent Math tutors.

Lisa graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a Math degree and has been in love with the subject for as long as she can remember.

I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is yes – people that love Math do exist!

Here are some more fun facts about Lisa!

How long have you been tutoring at Mally A.C.T.?

I’ve tutored at Mally A.C.T. for a little over 3 years now. Wow, I can’t believe it’s been that long already! Time flies! 

How many pets do you have?

I have three – one dog and two cats! Bodhi is my loveable half pug half chiweenie (pictured above). Karma is my exotic Bengal cat and I recently adopted a purebred from the Humane Society named Thor!

Where is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?

That’s a hard one. I think I’d have to pick the La Cheneaux islands in the UP. I go there every summer because it’s so beautiful. I highly recommend that anyone who hasn’t visited that part of Michigan take a trip there this summer!


You can find Lisa at Mally A.C.T. tutoring the following subjects: Math ACT + Math SAT + Geometry + Algebra I + Algebra II + Pre-Calculus